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Dr.Roger Brighton
Do You Need Surgery?
Hip Replacement

Total hip replacement is a surgical procedure in which...Read more

Knee Replacement

Total knee replacement, also called total knee arthroplasty... Read more

Dr. Roger BrightonM.B., B.S., F.R.A.C.S.(Orth.)

Dr. Roger Brighton is an Orthopaedic Surgeon working in Sydney, Australia, subspecialising in Hip and Knee Replacement, Knee Arthroscopy and Knee Ligament reconstruction.

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St Vincent’s Hip and Knee Surgeons St. Vincent's Clinic
Suite 405, Level 4, 438 Victoria Rd Darlinghurst NSW 2010

Tel : (02) 8382 6199 (02) 8382 6199

Fax : (02) 8382 6198

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Lakeview Private Hospital Lakeview Private Hospital
Suite 1, Level 1, 17-19 Solent Circuit, Bella Vista NSW 2153

Tel : (02) 8382 6199 (02) 8382 6199

Fax : (02) 8382 6198

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